Posts tagged “breasts

Show me your boobs!

I am in love with the charity Skate 4 Cancer. Rob Dyer, the head of the charity, is currently skating across Australia to raise awareness for Cancer.

This past summer I met Rob at Warped Tour, it was incredible just to see the kids response. He’s educating young people about cancer, they care and are interested! He’s well known because he’s passionate about a cause and he’s one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met.

Tonight while discussing a project I have coming up called “underground love” which is something I’ll get into later, I came up with the idea for this book of boobs project “mountains of love” or something. Apparently I like the word love. I’m open to title names, I’m not that creative in that department.

I’ll photograph boobs, any size, shape, color. Each shot is framed from the mid-neck to half way to the belly button.

The book will be a 7×7 hard cover, all black and white photographs. The books will be available for sale on etsy and I’m trying to keep a low price, but it depends on the production cost.

How does this tie in with Skate 4 Cancer you ask? Well, 25% of the profit of these books will be donated to Skate 4 Cancer!

I want YOU girls to volunteer. Your names won’t be in the photographs, your faces won’t be in the photographs, just your boobs! We can shoot wherever you want to. You’d have to sign a model release stating that it’s okay for me to use your rack.

If you’re interested get at me! Help support a great cause, and show the world your sweater kittens!!

Don’t forget to check out Skate 4 Cancer, even if you don’t want to bear it all for me – there are other ways you can help.